Editor’s Note: Over the next year, we will be hosting a series of GoFly Master Lectures where industry experts share advice, insights, and answer questions from GoFly Teams.
For the latest in our series of “Master Lectures,” we welcomed Gregory Bowles, vice president of Global Innovation & Policy for the General Aviation Manufacturers Association. Bowles is responsible for the identification of key technological opportunities to evolve the global safety, efficiency and success of aviation. Greg leads the GAMA Electric Propulsion & Innovation Committee (EPIC) which represents the world’s leading aviation mobility development companies along with traditional aviation manufacturers as this community strives to enable new kinds of public transportation through the air. Greg also currently leads the worldwide design standards committee which is chartered to develop globally acceptable means of compliance for general aviation aircraft.
Prior to joining GAMA, Bowles worked as a certification engineer at Keystone (now Sikorsky) Helicopter, and was a design engineer at Cessna Aircraft Company (now Textron Aviation). Bowles holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Aerospace Engineering from Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University and a Master of Business Administration degree from Webster University. He is an active instrument rated general aviation pilot.
“The reason I pivoted fully to hybrid and electric technology is because I believe this is a disruptive change to the aviation industry,” he said in his Master Lecture.
To view the entire lecture, join the GoFly Prize challenge by contacting info@goflyprize.com.