Editor’s Note: Over the next two years, we’ll be hosting a series of GoFly Master Lectures where industry experts share advice, insights, and answer questions from anyone interested in participating in the GoFly Prize.
For the latest in our series of “Master Lectures,” we welcome Dr. Darryll J. Pines, dean of the Clark School of Engineering and professor of aerospace engineering at the University of Maryland.
In the past, Dr. Pines has served as the 2015 chair of the National Academy of Engineering-NAE Frontiers in Engineering Education-FOEE Symposium, which recognizes faculty from around the United States for their innovations in engineering education. At $141 million, the school’s research expenditures are at a record high, and the school was ranked as high as 11th worldwide in 2011 by the Academic Ranking of World Universities, which focuses on research citations, and as high as 17th in the US News and World Report Graduate Rankings. He is the co-author of over 70 journal articles, three edited book volumes, eight book chapters, and 150 conference papers. Pines also is the holder of seven co-authored patents with his students and collaborators.
In this video, he lectures about the University of Maryland’s Gamera II, a human-powered helicopter, and holds a question and answer session.