Editor’s Note: Over the next two years, we’ll be hosting a series of GoFly Master Lectures where industry experts share advice, insights, and answer questions from anyone interested in participating in the GoFly Prize.
For the latest in our series of “Master Lectures,” we welcome Lori Hoberman, founder of the Hoberman Law Group and co-founder of Mojiva Inc. Hoberman is a well-known force in the New York City venture community. As a lawyer and mentor, she advises entrepreneurs and their investors on how to build successful businesses and strategically guides them through the emerging, later stages and exits of their companies. Hoberman also works with clients in a range of industries, including software, mobile, biotechnology, AI, fintech, insurtech, fashion, e-commerce, consumer products and advertising. Additionally, she counsels angel and institutional investors in their investments and in the formation of investment funds.
Hoberman also co-founded mobile advertising company, Mojiva Inc., and is an angel investor. She is a frequent speaker and media resource on entrepreneurialism. She is a mentor to 37 Angels, serves as an advisor to the Queens College Tech Incubator and formerly chaired the NYC Chapter of the MIT Enterprise Forum. After years of running the venture practices in several New York City law firms, Hoberman launched The Hoberman Law Group in the fall of 2014.
In this session, she lectures about starting up effectively and holds a question-and-answer session. If you have follow-up questions, check out current discussions on the GoFly forum or start your own thread!