Editor’s Note: Over the next two years, we’ll be hosting a series of GoFly Master Lectures where industry experts share advice, insights, and answer questions from anyone interested in participating in the GoFly Prize.
For the latest in our series of “Master Lectures,” we welcome Mike Hirschberg, executive director of the Vertical Flight Society and Dr. Marilyn Smith, director of the AE School’s Computational Nonlinear Computational Aeroelasticity Lab at Georgia Tech.
As Executive Director of The Vertical Flight Society, Mike Hirschberg is responsible for the execution of the strategic direction set by the VFS Board of Directors. He was previously a principal aerospace engineer with CENTRA Technology, Inc., providing technical and program management support for over 10 years to the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) and Office of Naval Research (ONR) on advanced aircraft and rotorcraft concepts.
Dr. Smith received her PhD from Georgia Tech in 1994 while working in industry from 1982 to 1997. She joined the School of Aerospace Engineering in 1997, and is currently a full professor and Associate Director of the Vertical Lift Research Center of Excellence (VLRCOE). Smith performs research in the areas of non-linear computational aeroelasticity (using CFD) and the integrated multidisciplinary areas of unsteady aerodynamics and acoustic/fluid/structure interactions across rotating and fixed wing vehicles and systems.
In this video, they lecture about technical resources for vertical flight.