How it Worked
The goal of the GoFly Prize was to foster the development of safe, quiet, ultra-compact, near-VTOL personal flying devices capable of flying twenty miles while carrying a single person. We encouraged innovators, inventors, engineers, and makers to develop and build a personal flying device that can be used by anyone, anywhere. GoFly offered a $1,000,000 Grand Prize and additional prizes over three phases, starting with 10 prizes of $20,000 each based on paper technical submissions.
In Phase II, the actual building began, and innovators had the opportunity to learn from and work with some of the world’s leading experts in aircraft design, systems engineering, fabrication and testing, and finance and funding. With one-on-one guidance and webinars, teams had unprecedented resources to help bring their ideas to life.
Teams also had access to a myriad of incredibly valuable benefits from industry leaders, amounting to thousands of dollars in mentoring, software, products, services, media, and discounts.
At the end of Phase II, we awarded five prizes at $50,000 each based on a VTOL demonstration and revised Phase I materials.
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With Boeing as our Grand Sponsor together, we will make the impossible possible.