GoFly partnered with industry leaders to provide access to a myriad of incredibly valuable benefits throughout the entire competition. All Teams who participated in the Phase II Building Phase and who continued to remain active competitors had access to thousands of dollars in mentoring, software, products, services, media, and discounts.
Global Aerospace is a leading provider of aircraft insurance and risk management solutions for the aviation and aerospace industries. Global Aerospace will provide all Phase II and Phase III Teams within their insurance jurisdiction with a $1,000,000 Aircraft Liability insurance for just $1,500.
CAD Software
CAD Software
The modern CAD system offers advanced modeling tools and design data management in a secure cloud workspace that is accessible on any device and never loses data. Onshape will be providing its Professional Level CAD software and technical support to all registered GoFly Teams. When additional help is needed, all Teams have access to Onshape technical support, online classes and tutorials.
CFD Simulation Software
CFD Simulation Software
TotalSim US’s Computational Fluid Dynamics allows users to simulate test conditions and run robust analyses on build designs, all through cutting edge CFD technologies. All GoFly Teams will have access to TotalSim US’s CFD software, as well as access to simulation tokens.
Ballistic Recovery Systems Safety Consultations
Ballistic Recovery Systems Safety Consultations
BRS will provide free Ballistic Recovery Systems Safety consultations to all Phase II Teams on designing the Team’s safety mechanism. BRS CEO and GoFly Master Boris Popov will also personally provide the consultation for each Team. All Phase III Teams will be provided with a Safety System Assessment Report at no charge and will have the opportunity to purchase a BRS system at a 20% discount.
Exclusive Custom Case Sponsors
Exclusive Custom Case Sponsors
Cases By Source designs and manufactures protective packaging to protect some of the world’s finest and valuable instruments and equipment. All Teams that make it to Phase III will be supplied with a free Cases by Source custom case and custom foam insert in order to help you transport your Personal Flying Devices to the Final Fly Off. The design process begins in Phase II when each Team is supplied with a free custom case rendering and will have the ability to work directly with Cases By Source designers on their custom cases.
Special Composite Material Supplier
Special Composite Material Supplier
Fibre Glast Developments specializes in the distribution of carbon fiber, fiberglass, Kevlar, resins, vacuum bagging materials, pumps and equipment, additives, gel coats and other supplies necessary to create lightweight, durable aircraft. Fibre Glast will be providing a 20% discount on all products sold on their websites for all registered and participating GoFly Teams.
Special Composite Provider
Special Composite Provider
RockWest Composites sells carbon fiber tubes, plates, rods, shapes, connectors, and a whole host of composite material needs that will be essential in the build phase for our competitors. Rock West will provide a 15% discount on all goods sold on the Rock West websites to all registered and participating GoFly Teams.
Preferred Actuator Sponsor
Preferred Actuator Sponsor
Firgelli Automations is a global provider for TV Lifts, Linear Actuators and many other products to support a huge range of industries and applications. The Top 10 Phase I Teams who continue onto Phase II will be provided with one free Firgelli Automations actuator at no cost or charge to the Teams. In addition, all Phase II Teams will receive 30% off the regular price of all items on the Firgelli website for so long as such Team is registered and participating in the GoFly Prize.
Global Webinars / Q&As
Global Webinars / Q&As
GoFly provides free access to Master Lectures and Q&A with the luminaries of aerospace design, engineering, finance, law, and marketing. Teams have the opportunity to engage in discussions with the masters of aviation and business in global webinars. Through the Master Lectures, Teams can learn from DARPA chiefs, NASA gurus, Boeing Senior Technical Fellows, and the VCs who are helping to shape the future. The full list of Masters and their bios can be found here.
One-on-One Assistance
One-on-One Assistance
All active Teams have access to the GoFly Mentor program, which matches innovators directly with Mentors in areas such as technology, design, fundraising, or marketing. Participating teams can request to be paired with a mentor through this form.
Venture Capital Introductions & Funding Mentors
Venture Capital Introductions & Funding Mentors
GoFly will provide active Phase II Teams with introductions to and mentoring from experts in venture capital and fundraising. GoFly will provide free programming on developing your funding deck, creating a list of active aerospace financers, taking that first pitch meeting, the funding process, and traditional deal terms.
Mentoring & Curated Pages
Mentoring & Curated Pages
GoFly Teams wishing to raise funds through a Kickstarter campaign can access free Mentoring from Kickstarter Technology Leads. All GoFly Teams will be featured on a GoFly Kickstarter Curated Page.
Free 6-Month Membership
Free 6-Month Membership
Since 1939, AOPA has protected the freedom to fly by promoting an environment that gives people of all ages the opportunity to enjoy aviation and all it has to offer. AOPA is providing all Phase II Teams a free 6-month Flight Training membership. AOPA will provide Phase 1 winners with an additional 6-month members, and all Phase II and Phase III winners with a 1-Year Intro Membership.
Discounted Membership
Discounted Membership
EAA embodies The Spirit of Aviation through the world’s most engaged community of aviation enthusiasts. All GoFly Teams will receive discounted membership in the Experimental Aircraft Association.
Discounted Membership
Discounted Membership
The Flight Safety Foundation is an international non-profit organization chartered to provide impartial, independent, expert safety guidance and resources for the aviation and aerospace industry. The Flight Safety Foundation will be providing an 85% discount for membership any registered and participating competitor and discounts its Global Aviation Safety Conferences and Seminars.
Free Membership and Technical Access
Free Membership and Technical Access
The Vertical Flight Society is providing free membership to one individual on each Phase II team, plus online access to the world’s only VTOL technical journal. Teams can expand this to 15 members and gain access to more than 11,000 PDF technical documents by registering as VFS Small Business Corporate Members at 60% off. Originally founded as the American Helicopter Society in 1943, VFS is the world’s only VTOL technical society.
Lithium-ion Cells
Lithium-ion Cells
Voltaplex provides lithium-ion cells for industries ranging from space to consumer electronics, and has assisted those competing in Hyperloop, DARPA, and Formula E challenges, among others. Voltaplex guarantees authenticity and performance of its products and can provide additional factory services like cell matching and testing for teams lacking equipment.
As a GoFly In-Kind sponsor, Voltaplex is providing all Phase II Teams with maximum pricing discounts and minimum order quantities on all cells and packs. In addition, Voltaplex is supplying free consultations to Phase II teams for cell selection and sourcing, preliminary battery pack design, and other lithium-ion challenges that may arise.
Free One-Year Subscription to Aviation Week & Space Technology
Free One-Year Subscription to Aviation Week & Space Technology
Aviation Week Network is the largest multimedia information and services provider for the global aviation, aerospace, and defense industries, serving 1.7 million professionals around the world. Industry professionals rely on Aviation Week Network to help them understand the market, make decisions, predict trends, and connect with people and business opportunities. Customers include the world’s leading aerospace manufacturers and suppliers, airlines, airports, business aviation operators, militaries, governments and other organizations that serve this worldwide marketplace. Aviation Week Network’s portfolio delivers award-winning journalism, data, intelligence and analytical resources, world-class tradeshows and conferences, and results-driven marketing services and advertising. Aviation Week Network is part of Informa Markets, a division of Informa PLC.
GoFly is thrilled to announce that Sue and Jim Gardner have partnered with GoFly to engage with all active Phase III Teams who may need support navigating the FAA aircraft and airman pathways. Both are recently retired after an illustrious 30 year career with the FAA.
Jim’s role as a senior executive in Flight Standards with experience navigating both GA airman and aircraft certification, and Sue’s role as the FAA National Aviation Events Specialist, and FAA team member supporting development of pathways for sUAS and unique aircraft (e.g Jetman, flyboards), and Program Lead for the Sport Pilot and LSA rulemaking give them the tools and strong relationships within the FAA to help all our active Phase III teams identify and navigate their way through the FAA certification pathways in an efficient manner. On behalf of GoFly, they will work directly with all active Phase III Teams in a one-on-one capacity to help each team define your FAA certification pathway and then provide an additional 5 hours support for each team as you process the required FAA paperwork for both your aircraft/vehicle and the pilot/operator.