Go Fly Prize Logo


Creating anything big and bold is hard, but creating revolutionary new technology is extremely hard, which is why GoFly empowered our Teams by providing access to incredibly valuable software, products, services, and experts.


GoFly partnered with industry leaders to provide access to a myriad of incredibly valuable benefits throughout the entire competition. All Teams who participated in the Phase II Building Phase and who continued to remain active competitors had access to thousands of dollars in mentoring, software, products, services, media, and discounts.

Participant Perks

Global Aerospace



CAD Software

TotalSim US

CFD Simulation Software

BRS Aerospace

Ballistic Recovery Systems Safety Consultations

Cases By Source

Exclusive Custom Case Sponsors

Fibre Glast

Special Composite Material Supplier

RockWest Composites

Special Composite Provider

Firgelli Automations

Preferred Actuator Sponsor

Master Lectures

Global Webinars / Q&As

GoFly Mentors

One-on-One Assistance

VC & Fundraising Support

Venture Capital Introductions & Funding Mentors


Mentoring & Curated Pages

Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association

Free 6-Month Membership

Experimental Aircraft Association

Discounted Membership

Flight Safety Foundation

Discounted Membership

Vertical Flight Society

Free Membership and Technical Access


Lithium-ion Cells

Aviation Week Network

Free One-Year Subscription to Aviation Week & Space Technology

Gardner Aviation


ready. set. gofly.

The sky is no longer the limit.

The Challenge