Boeing, our grand sponsor, has been at the forefront of aerospace innovation for more than a century. Now, they’re working with us to fuel the imagination of the next generation of inventors, engineers, tinkerers and doers.
Boeing, our grand sponsor, has been at the forefront of aerospace innovation for more than a century. Now, they’re working with us to fuel the imagination of the next generation of inventors, engineers, tinkerers and doers.
GoFly is thrilled to announce that teTra, a team from Tokyo, Japan, has won the GoFly $100,000 Pratt & Whitney Disruptor Award. Displaying innovative technical design and creative prowess, team teTra received the top honor from a field of 854 teams, comprising 3800 innovators from 103 countries. We congratulate them and all of […]
Three years ago, at the young age of 29, Will Wood was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis, a central nervous system disease that impacts vision, muscle control, balance, and other basic body functions. Rather than letting the diagnosis define him, Will decided to take on a challenge even those without such a disease have yet to […]
Pathipan Sivarasa’s grandfather was in the Royal Airforce in Malaysia during World War II and he would tell Pathipan and his brothers tragic stories of the global conflict. Undeterred, Pathipan was determined to become a pilot, so fascinated he was by “flying objects… “We lived near an airport and each time a plane was landing […]